Queens County Republican Patriots

Support Your Local Police

National Police Week is May 9th, 2021

I read an interesting article in the New York Post the other day written by Ed Mullins the President of the NYC SBA (NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Association).  How a ‘new normal’ of criminality will outlast COVID in NYC (nypost.com)   Mullins expressed how he longs for the days of old when police officers enforced the law.  The article proves that if you live long enough the political cycles go around and around.  Mullins expresses our thoughts too and our wish that the voters of New York had only listened to us. 

Police officers across the nation now face an uphill battle in order to return to the days of old.  A year ago, Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute wrote a book and then went on the national speaking tour touting,  The War On Cops | Criminal Justice Book | Heather Mac Donald (manhattan-institute.org).  MacDonald much like Paul Revere traveled across America warning us repeatedly.  Her efforts were real, but just not enough against the forces of unrest, disorder, and violence.  MacDonald’s work and book were a warning of real life and the coming crisis of lawlessness.  Today, NYPD has the crime statistics for all to see here:  Statistics – NYPD (nyc.gov) Be informed, look. The war continues, only now you and I are the targets.  The police have been silenced and restrained in real time.  Our political class has effectively tied them in knots and put them in legal jeopardy every step that they take.

On January 14th, 2015 I started the Square Deal Committee and began the support your local police rallies across the City of New York.  Please view our video here:  https://youtu.be/ak00rYVPME4 and I asked the same question then that I ask each of you today once again, who speaks for you?  Who will safeguard our liberty and freedom?  Will it be de Blasio, Cuomo, or Biden?  Today the New York City police officer has handcuffs put on him and restrictions preventing him from aggressively enforcing the laws of our nation.  Support Your Local Police!

In the days that followed those rallies, the radicals across America planted the seeds of chaos in every alleyway in the toughest cities across our nation.  We have witnessed police officers cut down in the line of duty one after the other in almost every state and city in the nation.  We observe a media hell bent on destroying law and order and fawning over those committed to unrest and sit and watch as American cities burn to the ground and they actively distort the truth we can view on the videos.  Blatant lying. 

What do we ask and what do we seek?  We ask first and foremost that all U.S. Citizens register and vote.  We ask them to understand the role and life of a police officer and to schedule a visit to Citizens Police Academy – NYPD (nyc.gov).  We ask you to remember, the policeman is your friend.

Lastly, we ask each of you to visit the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial – National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (nleomf.org).  This year during May 9th – 15th we honor our fallen heroes in Washington DC.  We count each member who has fallen, and we look upon the families of the fallen with painful regret and anguish, and wish that this too could have passed over them. 

We will say it again with no more or less emphasis than before.  Elections have consequences and voting really does matter. 

Joseph Concannon is a former NYPD Captain, Deputy Director of Public Safety in Mayor Giuliani’s administration, and past Republican candidate for City Council.